Tutorial: Register a new account

Support Overview

Register a new account

Register a new account is easy and it's free. Just follow this simple steps to create a new account. Use this page to create a new account: Register a new account

  • Enter your first name
  • Enter your last name
  • Enter your e-mail (this will be your username)
  • Choose a password and confirm the password
  • Read our Terms & conditions, and if you accept them check the checkbox
  • Read our Privacy policy, and if you accept them check the checkbox
When you entered all the required information press the button Create Account

Congratulations, you now have an account

Before you can start using VILTKAM you must verify your email address.

A confirmation email* has been sent to your email address, please check your email inbox and confirm your address using the link provided in the email.

As a thank you for verifying your email address, you will receive  "VILTKAM Credits"  like you can use as currency on our website.

E-Mail Confirmed

After you confirmed your e-mail, the register process is finished and you can start trying VILTKAM out with the free credits received